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Tru Medical Management

Walk-In Clinic

Adult Primary Care located in East Williamsburg and Clinton Hill in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY

Walk-In Clinic services offered in East Williamsburg and Clinton Hill in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY

Sometimes, you have the luxury of knowing you’ll need to see a doctor well in advance, like in the case of your annual visit. Other times, you need care, and you need it fast. That’s why Tru Medical Management offers walk-in clinic services. With fast access to dedicated health care providers and easy, affordable billing, the team is ready to serve you at a moment’s notice. Get care when you need it, online or in person. To schedule, call either office in the Navy Hill and Williamsburg neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York, or book your appointment online now.

What is a walk-in clinic?


Instead of calling a doctor’s office and getting placed on their schedule, a walk-in clinic gives you immediate access to health care. All you have to do is walk in and wait for a health care provider to be available to see you. 


Tru Medical Management has an extensive background in adult primary care with a history of success. Because they’re experienced in treating various medical concerns, they’re ready to address your health needs and customize a treatment for you and your unique needs.


A walk-in clinic is ideal for many different health issues, but it’s not the right destination if you have a life-threatening situation on your hands. In those cases, go to the emergency room or call 911.

What kind of injuries and illnesses are treated at a walk-in clinic?


Tru Medical Management can treat most non-life-threatening conditions from their walk-in clinic. The team has the tools and medical expertise needed to ensure you get prompt and effective care.


Their on-site diagnostic and laboratory services are offered in one convenient location, including Rapid, PCR, and Antibody Covid-19 Testing. Tru Medical Management’s walk-in clinic also treats:


  • Illnesses, including colds, flu, and strep throat
  • Minor wounds and cuts
  • Fever
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Rashes and hives
  • Eye irritation
  • Urinary tract infections


If you have an injury or illness and want same-day care, don’t hesitate to visit Tru Medical Management’s walk-in clinic. Get care when you need it, online or in person.

What kind of environment can I expect?


Not all walk-in clinics are the same. If you avoid walk-in clinics because you don’t want to deal with cold, sterile environments or chaotic waiting rooms, don’t worry. Tru Medical Management takes pride in offering patients a welcoming and warm office environment.


The team treats their walk-in clinic patients with the same level of personalized care as any patient. And they extend the same easy, affordable billing to them, too.


At Tru Medical Management, you’ll receive medical care from people who care. They are the people behind the white coats, but most importantly, the ones behind the beautiful vision of building a brighter health care model for all.


If you want fast, effective care, visit Tru Medical Management. You can walk in, call the office, or book your appointment online now.