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Tru Medical Management

STD Testing

Adult Primary Care located in East Williamsburg and Clinton Hill in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY

STD Testing services offered in East Williamsburg and Clinton Hill in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) infect millions of people every year in the United States. Tru Medical Management, with offices in the Navy Hill and Williamsburg neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York, provides comprehensive STD testing to protect you and your health. They also offer pre-exposure prophylaxis (PReP) to prevent HIV in those who engage in high-risk activities. To schedule your STD testing, call the office closest to you or book online today. 

What is STD testing?

Sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing screens for STDs, which are infections passed from person to person through sexual contact. 


There are more than 20 types of STDs. Some of the more common include:


  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Pubic lice
  • HIV
  • Herpes
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis


Millions of people are infected with an STD every year in the US. STD testing checks to see if you’re infected so you can get the treatment you need to protect your health.

When do I need STD testing?

The health experts at Tru Medical Management can help you decide if you need STD testing. You can have an STD and not have any symptoms. 


You should consider STD testing if you’re sexually active with more than one partner, you don’t consistently use condoms, or your sexual partner recently tested positive for an STD. 


You also need STD testing for suspicious symptoms such as genital pain or itching, genital sores, or foul-smelling genital discharge. 


Sexually active women 25 and younger need annual STD testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Men who have sex with men also need STD testing at least once a year to check for common and serious infections like HIV.


Though STDs affect all people, women are more likely to experience long-term health complications from an undiagnosed and untreated STD. Tru Medical Management specializes in women’s health and provides gynecology services.

What happens during STD testing?

Before testing for STDs, your provider at Tru Medical Management asks about your sexual health and activity and if you have any concerning symptoms. This helps them determine what infection they need to test for.


STD testing may require blood or urine samples or a swab of secretions from the infected site. For HPV screening in women, Tru Medical Management collects cervical cells during a gynecology pelvic exam.

What happens after STD testing?

Tru Medical Management contacts you when they have the results of your STD testing. They talk to you about their findings and provide any treatments to clear up the infection or manage symptoms.


Tru Medical Management also offers pre-exposure prophylaxis (PReP) for HIV for those at high risk of developing the serious infection. This is a prescription medication you take daily to reduce your risk of getting HIV through sexual contact.


STD testing is vital to health and wellness. Call Tru Medical Management or schedule your STD testing online today.